
Creature Concepts #1

I recently discovered the Feng Zhu Design tutorials, and one of them showed his process for creating creature concepts starting with strong silhouettes.

First I start with some abstract silhouettes with a black brush like this:

From there you fill in the details with your imagination and as many tones as you can muster, and you wind up with something like the image at the top. It's kind of a neat way to design, and you utilize your imagination greatly. Since I fill in the details on separate layers, I'm able to do an infinite number of variations for each one without destroying the silhouettes.

The first batch I did wasn't that great, but here it is anyway:

I added a little bit of color to these originally, but I didn't have enough tones in there to pull out the forms.

Fitness Update:

Week 1 - Day 3: Shoulders/Arms (missed abs from lack of energy)

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