
Facial Recognition

Definition of CARICATURE from Merriam-Webster online dictionary:
1: exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics.

Definition of PORTRAIT from same:
1: a pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face.

For my latest piece, I put on my big-boy pants and tackled the manliness incarnate that is Ron Swanson.  Played by Nick Offerman on NBC's sleeper hit "Parks & Recreation," Swanson is a bacon-wrapped-turkey-leg wielding, wood-working, Libertarian, moustache-rocking purveyor of all things manly.  He also has a big, heart-shaped soft-spot for his co-workers, but don't tell him I told you.

For unexplained reasons, I had this subconscious gnawing that forced me to create this piece.  Perhaps he reminds me of my shortcomings as a male, or maybe he reminds me of certain things that I aspire to in the deeper levels of my maleness.  Whatever the reason, it is done.

The main problem I had with this was the exaggeration of his features. I'm a terrible portrait artist, so I've generally stayed away from them.  I'm a little better at caricature, but as you can see from several progress snapshots below, I had a hard time figuring out just how and just what direction to exaggerate.

These are only a handful...ugh.

After working with a few different versions, I wound up finishing with a piece that looks less like a caricature and more like a portrait attempt by a bad portrait artist. Sigh.

Ah well, I guess I'll have to stick to more extreme caricaturization next time...."Hey, do you like skateboards? **sketch sketch**...who's your favorite sports team? **sketch sketch**...I'm going to draw you with your hat on backwards, it makes you look fun...**sketch sketch.**"

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