
"Switch" process...

I had a pretty big slow-down this week due to various other obligations, but after taking a few days off, I came back and created this piece today.

This would be my third color digital painting, so I'm getting much more comfortable with the tools.


Here's how I learned how to paint on YouTube.

First I made a quick "pencil" sketch in Photoshop. Then I put some color swatches on the side that are easy to get at, pulling colors from the skin tones and the background colors I intend to use. Working very loosely, I paint a base mid-tone under the sketch layer, then I add shadows and highlight areas.

From there I pick an area and start tightening everything up, blending and adding colors and smoothing out the textures. Near the end of this piece I decided to make her eyes a little less large and cartoony, but I'm not sure I should have...This time I put the tail on a separate layer so I could put it behind her without having to paint around finished figure areas.

After everything was finished, I started on the background (probably not the best way to work with more complex pieces, but the color palette was pretty limited in this one.) This background was quite a challenge for me, but I think I'm learning how to do fire and lava-type stuff much better than I used to. I went with a lack of anatomical correctness for her breasts and crotch so that I wouldn't have to censor it on my deviantART page.  I put a texture layer and a saturation layer over the top, did a very slight blur on the background and called it good.

After about 10 hours of on-off work, I have my finished piece.

Of course, not as perfect as I wanted, but progress nonetheless.

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